How to block ads on Google Chrome - AdBlock

The Internet has become an integral part of our lives, as well as browsers – ships of this information ocean. According LiveInetrent, first place in RuNet now takes Google Chrome. Work on the engine, Chromium browsers, Nichrome from Rambler, Yandex.Browser and many others. For convenience, this trip is better to get a helper in the form of the same AdBlock, which will block annoying ads and avoid trouble. About him and talk.

How to block internet ads on websites - AdBlock

And I'll start with the fact that ad blocking (the web pages you visit sites) are not part of the functions of the browser. At full extension solves this problem and others. Third-party software. AdBlock – blocker advertising, originally created for the browser Google Chrome.

AdBlock vs AdBlock Plus

It is important not to confuse the AdBlock extension from Michael Gundlach created especially for Google Chrome, with AdBlock Plus by Henrik Sørensen, created specifically for Mozilla Firefox. Michael Gundlach admits that he was inspired to create AdBlock is AdBlock Plus, but otherwise, it's a completely different extensions. And despite the fact that the extension AdBlock Plus there for Google Chrome, I personally recommend using it AdBlock.

Installing AdBlock for Chrome

Well let's move from words to deeds and install AdBlock extension for blocking advertisements on Google Chrome. To do this, I have prepared for you step by step instructions that will save you time and effort.

Step 1: Extensions page. Launch your web browser Chrome. In the upper right-hand corner of the browser window, find the «Chrome menu» (in the form of icons, which consists of three strips) and click it. In the menu that appears, scroll to «Tools» and move your mouse cursor over it. In the submenu, scroll to «Extensions» and click it. As a result, you'll be taken to the page system browser: chrome://extensions/ – called «Extensions».

More extensions
Jump to page extensions in Google Chrome

On the page «Extensions» displays all installed browser extensions. In my case, by default, set only the expansion of the "Google Documents». We are interested here is the link "More extensions" – click it.

Step 2: Search AdBlock extension in Chrome Web Store. I must say that AdBlock extension is free, for his installation, you do not have to pay. On the next page Chrome Web Store , type in the search box the name of the extension and press Enter. For convenience, immediately switch to the tab «Extensions». The first search result in extensions will be of interest to us AdBlock, the source of which is his official website: We are interested here in the button «+ FREE» – click it.

Search adblock
Search AdBlock extension in the Chrome Web Store

Step 3: Confirm the new extension. When you install AdBlock does ask for confirmation from you to provide greater access to your data on all websites, as well as tabs and history list. Do not worry, these data will be available AdBlock to the same extent as that of your browser, ie, they will remain confidential. So boldly click «Add» button.

confirmation of a new extension
Providing access to AdBlock extension in Chrome

Installing the extension will not take long. At the end, in the upper right corner of the browser Google Chrome AdBlock button will appear and the page for donations. I draw your attention to the fact that you can not pay, just close this browser tab and all.

AdBlock button and a page for donations
AdBlock button and a page for donations

Now that the extension is installed on your browser, most of the ads will be blocked, as evidenced tsiferka button AdBlock, with the amount blocked on a Web page elements.

Using AdBlock in Chrome

It should be noted that the default AdBlock blocks ads on all the sites in accordance with the list of its available filters (default: «EasyList», «custom filters AdBlock» and «Russian and Ukrainian"). But the situation may be different, so let's see how to work with this extension in detail.

And so, open any web page, for example: Please note that advertising on the page is missing, and the counter AdBlock reports (at least for me) about five locked elements. Click the button AdBlock on your browser. In the window that opens, you will see the statistics of the expansion and its menu.

Statistics and menu extensions
Statistics and menu AdBlock extension in Google Chrome

Consider some of the menu items AdBlock more:

  • Pause AdBlock – allows you to pause the work of expansion. But in order to see the changes on a web page, you will need to restart it; Use the F5 key or key combination Ctrl+F5. In order to resume the expansion of its button click again, and then link to «renew»; do not forget to reload the web page.
  • Block an ad on this page – creation of filters to block advertising, which could not be filtered AdBlock. This will start the wizard ad blocking. Just move your cursor to the page, the presence of which is undesirable, and clicking it, then follow the instructions.
  • Don't run on this page – to create a filter to exclude the current web page. After creating a filter, advertising on this website blocked for you in the future will not be. However, you can always re-enable ad blocking on a web page, click the link «include» in the menu extensions.
  • Don't run on pages on this domain – to create a filter to exclude the current site as a whole. After creating a filter, advertising on the specified domain block for you in the future will not be. However, you can always re-enable ad blocking on a domain, click the link «include» in the menu extensions.

In general, this is more than enough to comfortably work with the extension AdBlock. Other settings are unlikely to be useful to you, because are of secondary importance or are intended for advanced users. In any case, you now know how to block ads in the browser Google Chrome. On this I have everything. Thank you for your attention. Good Luck!

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